Forum Connemara
A local development company, supporting Community, Rural Development and the Local Environment.
Bhí dearadh lógó ag teastáil uaidh ár gcáirde afFóram Chonamara i dtosach na mbliana. Ní raibh sé ró-dheacair inspioráid mór a fháil díreach taobh amuigh don doras anseo i mBearna!
Forum Connemara is a partnership company which has representatives on the Board of Directors from the local community, the social pillars, the local authority and statutory agencies. FORUM delivers a number of programmes of behalf of Government Departments and other agencies including the Rural Development Programme (LEADER 1420), the Adolescent Support Programme, the Rural Recreational Programme, the Rural Social Scheme and Labour activation programmes Tús, Job Initiative, and Community Employment, North Connemara Locally Led Agri-Environmental Scheme (EIP) and the Ability Programme.